Digital learning environments are everywhere where you know that most management systems like names like blackboard moodle desire2learn and canvas in recent years have seen a lot of differences in learning places people have learned how to play the ukulele by watching YouTube videos they learned should grow organic vegetables by joining Facebook groups join a host of professional communities that help them improve their skills from weaving to drawing in managing their finances all these technical resources and forums for people to learn online is what I call visual learning sites.
These systems are central to online and blended learning what are some important issues that researchers and designers need to know about digital learning environments there are four foundational elements that designers need to consider organizational structures design guidance and the technologies lack neutrality.
First digital learning environments are organized in different ways. These ways may influence how people interact with each other, how people teach, and how learning is assessed. Three ways that visual learning environments are organized are the following groups. These are formal and hierarchical entities an example is an online course.
University participation in the group is controlled by the start and dates of the university and lecture groups are often hosted through study networks. everyone other people are very connected, but some people are not known to each other. An example of a network could be a LinkedIn page. Finally, communities are more watery structures than groups but less liquid than networks in society.
People share common interests and demonstrate a commitment to the sustainability and sustainability of working communities as one of the best-known ways for this organizational structure for the second time. students' focus on architects even though they can do so much can design a useful and effective education by building literacy and promoting third reading An important problem we need to consider is that these guidelines are relatively comparable.
How much guidance and support should be placed in a digital learning environment and what types of support peers can provide with the bulk of online content people can simply read for themselves by reading books watching videos and completing exams yes it is possible to learn without any frameworks. and non-problematic learning and other screens to help students create digital learning environments we should consider how we can help students grow from novice to expert online, in fact, the technology of certain methods in the world n bent for individuals and people embedding their values on desi Technology in, for example, Facebook properties almost build our relationships in the same way where other learning management systems only allow educators to create discussion boards these software decisions affect the way we design and use digital learning environments.
For example, where students are unable to start discussion threads, teachers are limited in their ability to create learning-centered environments where designers use technology and digital environments not specifically designed for learning and teaching should consider how the design of the tool may dictate their teaching activities designed to speak and explore teachers' learning environments you can find a detailed analysis of these issues in a published paper thank you very much prepare and if you like this please share with your colleagues and students.