Tomorrow’s Most Important Technology - Tech Goodle

Tomorrow’s Most Important Technology - Tech Goodle

Everything you can do the machine can do in the future and that will be a great day because that means we are on vacation. Your technology will bring comfort and ease of use, it will not bring prosperity. Right now your well-being is still determined by your surroundings, not your inner self. Anything that can be built with memory retention and access to the memory and analysis of this memory and the expression of this memory, everything you do with your intelligence and imagination, can be done electronically at some point. I'm not an expert at predicting when but it's definitely possible, there's no question about that. But there is another intellectual capacity within man that we call 'Chitta. According to Chitta, this is the size of the spy where there is no memory quota, not allowed memory.

What this means is that the memory is what made it all the more you are. You have a human nature this is a memory of evolution, you have different memories that make you a certain type of person and many other things you are. Your skills, your skills, your knowledge, are all due to memory but memory is also a defining barrier. The moment you point to your memory is, "oh this is my friend", "this one I don't know", "this is the person I love", "this is the person", "I don't like it", all of these are memories. Memory adjustment fixes the meaning and defined limit in your life. What am I and what is just a question of memory? That I know that it is I and you, but there is a dimension of intelligence which we call 'Chitta' or in modern terminology loosely it can be called as consciousness.

Ignorance like you and me. This is awakening, this is not consciousness. So this intelligence has no memory, where there is no memory there are no limits to it. You can't do that with a robot, do what you want, because everything that can be done with memory will be done. Currently, 90% or more of human beings live by their intellect and their physical and mental abilities. These things can be built over a period of time and make them look very real, so once the machines start to do this, it is inevitable, it is inevitable for you to explore the deeper magnitude of who you are. Maybe 500 years ago let’s say if you wanted to be the biggest man in the area, in your city you had to have big muscles.

Anyone who had big muscles was a big man, a strong man there but now if you have big muscles we will give you a low job. We cannot, one of the reasons (laughs) why women have equal space or equal space in the world today is because of Technology because muscle power is not being created. How much mental power you have, how much power you have to take things right now but if the mental power is taken up by machines naturally people will dig deep into it. The machine can't dig deep but all you can do is make the machine in the future and that will be a great day because that means we are on holiday, not working for money.

Now we look at life in a completely different way that will really be the most important thing, for the first time being human, we have to understand why we are called human beings. That means we are the only creatures on earth who know how to become. Without social status, most of you will never know how to survive. The insect knows how to live better than you, it is better equipped than you because it is only focused on its survival but the insect will not know how to be careful, you can also create a bug. It is very interesting that today in computer technology we use these words to be a distraction, a virus. Indeed, the dangers of this are, as mechanical accidents continue to exist today, for example, cars kill more people than wars every year.

Year after year they kill but we accept that like mortgage damage, it is part of the thing. We go fast so that some people will die. We have accepted that, so similarly maybe we will have nano soldiers will not be people who go and fight, we live here and let other people with one face these things will be bad but still scary you can just press a button here and destroy the whole city somewhere as these skills come and should and we strive to nurture a person so that he can go beyond the limits of his own mind and reach a deeper level of the wisdom of life itself. The source of life itself within us. We have to invest in caution. So far we have only invested in our survival but when the technology they are talking about starts to become something that already exists. Survival will not be a problem if survival is not an issue we will definitely start investing but if we invest very quickly we can get into these new avenues.

It's always a double-edged sword, which method you use depending on who you are, right? so whether your identity and experience are very special or your identity and experience are highly intertwined, this will determine what shape and how the sword will swing. So it's time to put that word into perspective, unlimited understanding heard and ways to know. Just as there is technology to create social well-being in our environment, there is science and technology to do the same within us. So it is not a modern phenomenon that has always existed, as old as humanity but in other generations, it is very loud in other generations it sings and appropriately human life rises and sinks.

Any amount of technology, if you don’t know what you should be like, you’re not healthy yet. Look at our current situation, as a generation of people who know more comfort and freedom than any other generation ever known in human history but that does not mean that you are the happiest and happiest generation. No, people become neurotic. I'm not saying it's worse than other generations but we're not much better off with the amount of money we have spent all our lives having what we want, so your technology will bring comfort and ease of use. It will not bring prosperity. It's time to dump her and move on.

It is like now your well-being is still determined by your surroundings, not your inner self. So this does not mean that you love your neighbor, that you are like him, that you are a good man, that you are a nobleman. Your body and your brain must take instructions from you. If your body and mind take instructions from you, can you keep yourself healthy and happy every moment of your life? I ask you, if you could choose, you would definitely do it. So it is obvious that your body and brain are not taking instructions from you. This means you don’t know enough. So we have to invest in that side. Another thing is, if you walk around town, I am sure there are hospitals, there are schools, there are toilets and everything but you have a place where there is a place for people to meditate. There is no such thing. 

Any amount of technology, if you don’t know how to be, you’re not healthy yet. Look at our current situation, as a generation of people who know more comfort and ease than any other generation that has ever known in human history but does not say you are the happiest and happiest generation. No, people become neurotic. I'm not saying we're worse off than other generations but we're not much better off with the amount of money we've taken in the rest of our lives to have what we want, so your technology will bring comfort and ease of use. It will not bring prosperity. Time to focus on that because we are already in a place where technology goes through an uneven roof. It is like now your well-being is still determined by your surroundings, not your inner self. 

So this does not mean that you love your neighbor, that you are like him, that you are a good man, that you are a nobleman. Your body and your brain must take instructions from you. If your body and mind take instructions from you, can you keep yourself healthy and happy every moment of your life? I ask you, if you could choose, you would definitely do it. So it is obvious that your body and brain are not taking instructions from you. This means you don’t know enough. So we have to invest in that side. Another thing is, if you walk around town, I am sure there are hospitals, there are schools, there are toilets and everything but you have a place where there is a place for people to meditate. There is no such thing.

Eastern societies have invested heavily in the past, so today they are also imitating the West and trying to compete with it by losing this but the need for internal welfare will only intensify in the next 20, 25 years when technology starts doing most of the things you do and you don't know why. After that, the need for welfare becomes more powerful. So if we want to be ready for that day it is very important that we invest intangible infrastructure and human infrastructure that focuses on the inner core of who we are.

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