The future of education cannot be found in a gadget or application or program or product. It does not require a thinking tank full of pundits. No, the future of education can be found in your classroom. Your classroom is full of creative energy.
You have everything new you need right there in your room. He has the power to make it happen. That's what happens when you try. It happens when you give your students a voice and a choice. What happens when you leave the written curriculum and take your students off the road in their reading. What happens when you teach your students instead of teaching a test.
That's what happens when you unleash the creative power of all your students - when you make the bold decision to let them do things and design things and solve the problems they find appropriate. Sometimes it is strange and confusing. It usually looks humble. But understand this, that every time your students get a chance to be writers, filmmakers, scientists, artists, and engineers.
You are planting a seed for a future that you cannot imagine. And that is the beauty of creative classes. That is the power of new teachers. And the fact is, the future of education is yours.
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